Elbow braces reduce the pain and tenderness in the elbow area. It also protects the elbow and the tendon muscles from further damage. It could help in reducing muscle contraction and could take the load of the tendon tissues to a large extent. The braces and other such devices also limit the range of motion of the stressed arm and elbow. This helps in the healing process. The right elbow compression sleeve will also add warmth and protection to the injured tendons and muscles surrounding the elbow area. This could help in better blood circulation. With better blood circulation the damaged and stresses tissues, muscles and ligaments will get improved oxygen and nutrition supply. This will help in hastening the speed of healing.
Though many of us may have come across the term tennis elbow, not many of us would be aware what exactly it is. To make it simple for the layman, tennis elbow is a condition which is caused by tendinitis. In other words it is because of swelling of the tendons. This condition results in arm and elbow pain. Tendons are important bands of tissue which help connect the muscles of the lower part of the arms to the bones. Though many of us associate with tennis elbow and the game of tennis, it is possible that that it could affect non-tennis playing individuals too. Those who are into any type of repetitive gripping activities could be impacted by this condition. Those who use the first two fingers and the thumb on a regular basis could be at a higher risk of developing tennis elbow. They could also be the right candidates for various prosthetic support including elbow braces. Though it could happen to anybody irrespective of age and gender, it generally affects people who are above the age of 40.
Reasons For This Problem
It has to be borne in mind that the problem of tennis elbow does not occur overnight. It develops over a period of time. As mentioned above, repetitive motions such as gripping a tennis racket and swinging it could put strain on the muscles and could also lead to excessive stress on the tendon tissues and muscles. This constant stress and tugging could ultimately lead to tears in the tendon tissues which could be microscopic in nature. It could occur because of various games and tennis is the most common. Other games which also could cause this problem include squash, fencing, racquetball and weightlifting. Those who are into carpentry, painting, knitting, raking, or typing could also suffer from tennis elbow.
Symptoms Associated With Tennis Elbow
Before going into the benefits and advantages of tennis elbow splints it would be a good idea to have a look at some of the most common symptoms associated with this medical condition. The bony knob of the elbow is the area where one could experience tenderness and pain. This is the place where the tendons connect to the bone. Hence when the tendons are stressed it could lead to pain and discomfort. The pain also could move the lower arm. The pain might be experienced when something is lifted or even when you open doors or shake hands. Straightening your wrists and raising the hand could also lead to pain.
How Is It Diagnosed
The problem is diagnosed by the doctor with the help of a thorough exam. The doctor will ask you to move your wrists, flex your arms and elbows and find out the exact location where the pain is occurring. Doctors could also recommend x-ray or MRI and other imaging tests to diagnose and confirm the problem apart from ruling out other possible conditions. Hence if you suffer from such pains for more than a week or so, it would be advisable to get in touch with the doctor without any waste of time.
The Importance Of Support Devices And Accessories
The main reason why doctors recommend braces and other such devices is the comfort they offer. They help reduce the pain and tenderness in the elbow area. It also protects the elbow and the tendon muscles from further damage. It could help in reducing muscle contraction and could take the load of the tendon tissues to a large extent. The braces and other such devices also limit the range of motion of the stressed arm and elbow. This helps a lot in the healing process.
It Also Provides Warmth And Support
When you are able to choose the right elbow compression sleeve you also will be offering warmth and protection to the injured tendons and muscles surrounding the elbow area. This could help in better blood circulation. With better blood circulation the damaged and stresses tissues, muscles and ligaments will get improved oxygen and nutrition supply. This will help in hastening the speed of healing.
However, it has to be borne in mind that the process of healing takes time and one cannot expect miracles to happen overnight. It could take a few months and with the right supporting devices and physiotherapy activities it is possible to completely cure the problem. Many hundreds of people have come back to normalcy with the use of these devices. However, the onus lies on the doctor and the patient to be sure that the braces and other such devices fit properly and help in the healing process rather than being a hindrance to it.
Things To Be Careful About
While the benefits and advantages associated with these devices are there for all to see, as a customer you should be careful about a few things. You should stay away from the various activities which could exacerbate the problem and place additional strain on the elbow area and the muscles and tissues that are attached to the bones. It would be not a bad idea to give complete rest to the entire area for a few weeks or months. It is important to take the guidance and instructions of the doctors quite seriously if you are keen on getting full remission from the pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow.
Where To Buy The Devices
Most of the doctors who recommend these bracelets, sleeves and other such devices have their own sources of supply. It would be a good idea to take their help and assistance. Additionally, there are many online sites and brick and mortar stores where too you can find the best of braces and other such fixtures and fittings. They are available in different materials including copper, aluminum and also porcelain. You will have to do your research and then choose the right material keeping in mind your specific needs and requirements. At the day of the day there is no doubt that choosing the right elbow braces would certainly help a lot in reducing pain, inflammation and help you to get back to normalcy within a reasonable period of time.