The road from conception to motherhood requires determination and perseverance from each and every expectant woman. Though pregnancy comes with a blessing in the form of a child, somewhere in between the pregnancy period the woman in question goes through a lot of difficulties which can make the entire pregnancy a daunting and stressful experience. From fatigue to swollen and painful legs, the pregnancy journey is no easy road.
The good news, however, lies in the fact that you can enjoy your pregnancy by taking sufficient measures to curb and arrest some of the most common pregnancy-related conditions such as the development and growth of varicose and spider veins.
According to research, pregnancy plays a very pivotal role in the development of varicose and spider veins. If this condition is not arrested in due time, the expectant mother may suffer from blood clots which can have severe side effects on her, as well as on the unborn child.
The following is a detailed list of the most commonly used maternity pantyhose compression.
Types and Functions:
8-15mm Hg Maternity Pantyhose
- This group of pantyhose differs from the other types of pantyhose due to the fact that they have a low-pressure exertion. Due to their low level of gradient pressure, these compressions are ideal for use in patients suffering from moderate health-related side effects such as mild varicose and spider veins. Some of the common features include a static resistant and lint free capability, a gradient pressure compression of 8-15 mmHg, and a non-constricting top.
- Maternity pantyhose compressions under this category function by reducing the chances of getting crampy and tired legs as well as reducing the swelling associated with pregnancy.
15-20 mmHg Maternity Pantyhose
- Under this category, we have six (6) different types of pantyhose. Each and every pantyhose plays a significant role in controlling the physical side effects associated with pregnancy. The maternity pantyhose with an adjustable waistband helps in containing moderate to severe edema, tired and achy legs as well as prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. The Jobst UltraSheer Maternity Pantyhose, on the other hand, is effective in women with a history of venous ulcerations, and those recuperating from sclerotherapy and post surgery.
20-30 mmHg Maternity Pantyhose
- Maternity pantyhoses under this category are eight in total. Some have an adjustable waistband while some are UltraSheer and petite. Each and every pantyhose under this category exerts a gradient pressure of between 20-30 mmHg and function by controlling spider and varicose veins, reduce edema, prevent deep vein thrombosis as well as reduce leg pain.
30-40 mmHg Maternity Pantyhose
- Under this category, we have eight (8) different compressions to choose from. Each and every compression applies a gradient compression of between 30-40 mmHg. In this class, we have maternity compressions with closed toes as well as those with opened toes. These pantyhoses are best used in patients suffering from mild to moderate spider veins, mild to moderate edema, mild to moderate varicose veins as well as prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis.
40-50 mmHg Maternity Pantyhose
- Due to the high level of pressure applied by maternity compressions under this category, these pantyhoses are ideally used by patients suffering from severe pregnancy-related side effects. For instance, if the varicose or spider veins keep growing even after using the previously mentioned maternity compressions, then the ideal compressions for you to use are those under this category.
Overall Features
Each and every maternity pantyhose mentioned above has the following features;
- They’re comfortable to wear thanks to their soft and petite material
- They regulate moisture and prevent sweating
- They’re highly attractive thanks to their modern appearance making them comfortable to wear and walk around with them.
- They’re reinforced from heel to toe for increased durability and increased effectiveness.
- The lightweight nature of any compression pantyhose gives you the freedom to wear it the entire day hence giving you the opportunity to recover quickly from swollen or achy legs.
- They’re easy to wash both by hand and by machine