The ACL acts within the knee alongside the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). Together they form a cross-shaped structure which is vital for holding the knee joint in place. Without these two ligaments in perfect health, your knee stands a high chance of giving way beneath you at zero notice.
The ACL is most commonly injured by the forces generating during twisting motions. It is one of the most often seen sporting injuries as players try to change direction quickly while their feet are planted firmly on the ground. This scenario creates a shearing effect that tears the ACL apart.
What Are the Symptoms of an ACL Knee Injury?
When you've suffered an ACL knee injury, you'll certainly know about it. The most obvious symptom is the excruciating pain you'll feel even at rest. The joint will quickly become inflamed and swollen, and this will soon be accompanied by significant bruising.
The most functionally significant problem when you suffer an ACL knee injury is that your knee will have now become highly unstable. Without one of the most important ligaments to keep it in place, your knee could give way at a moment's notice. If you want to get back to doing everyday activities without risk, let alone getting back into playing sports, you'll need to get your ACL Knee injury treated professionally.
How Can I Treat My ACL Injury?
Depending on the severity of your ACL tear, you have a number of potential treatment options. For the least severe tears, you may just need to rest and recuperate following the well-known RICE protocol. For the most significant levels of damage, you may require surgery and a lengthy recovery period. Either way, you'll benefit from the use of supportive measures like physiotherapy and knee braces during the active phases of your recovery.
If surgery is required, your ligament will be rebuilt using small sections of other intact and healthy ligaments in your body. This is necessary because your ACL is poorly supplied with blood which carries the nutrients and oxygen that all bodily tissues need to recover. Once your ACL is safely repaired, you'll have to undertake a lengthy period of recuperation including rest, physiotherapy and frequent checkups. In the worst case scenario, you'll need to wear a knee brace for the best part of a year.
Why Do I Need to Wear an ACL Brace?
The main reason for wearing an ACL brace in the case of a torn ligament is because this kind of support device offers you the stability that your knee can temporarily no longer supply. Also, such knee braces let you retain a good range of movement while guaranteeing that you won't overdo it and undo all the good work you will have achieved by this point in your recovery.
The best knee braces for the treatment of ACL tears are designed by top doctors in orthopedic medicine in collaboration with experts in material science. This combination of the latest knowledge and materials means that you stand the best chance of getting back on the basketball court or wherever else you'd like to be. With such a lofty goal in mind, there are even specialized sports ACL braces available.
Whichever ACL knee brace you're looking for, you're sure to find exactly what you need when you look online today.