The intricate natural design of the neck allows for a lot of flexibility, but also vulnerability. Neck strain can occur from holding the neck in a straining, less natural position too long such as holding something heavy on one side of the body, sleeping in an awkward position or staying in a position too long viewing a technology device like a phone or computer. Luckily this condition usually lasts just a few days, so if you suffer pain or discomfort for longer you may be dealing with a different root cause. Here is what you can do to deal with temporary neck strain.
Apply Ice
Pain is often caused by soreness AND inflammation. Applying ice will reduce the inflammation at the site and allow it to heal. Apply ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin fabric or towel to the neck every twenty minutes for 24 hours and experience the relief it has to offer.
Over The Counter Medication.
You can take OTC medication for the pain (acetaminophen/Tylenol) or anti-inflammatory OTCs (ibuprofen/Advil or naproxen/Aleve) which also relieves pain by diminishing inflammation.
Apply Heat
Heat increases circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients of the site and promotes healing immensely. This can be achieved with a hot pack, heating pad or by bath or shower.
Support Product
Wearing a neck brace can immobilize the neck, allowing you more quality rest of the site and promoting healing. It also provides the benefits of warmth that we just discussed, circulation for optimal healing.