Whether you fracture your clavicle in the middle of the bone or closer to the acromioclavicular joint that connects to your shoulder, the symptoms and treatment approach is broadly similar. During your recovery, you'll certainly benefit from the use of a shoulder sling to give your arm the support it needs.
What Are the Symptoms and How Are They Treated?
If you suffer a clavicle fracture, the most common symptoms you'll experience are pain, tenderness and swelling over the area of the fracture. There will usually be a distinctive bump where the broken fragments of bone press against the skin.
Due to the damage caused and the loss of support for the shoulder, a clavicle fracture may leave you unable to use your arm properly without experiencing significant pain.These symptoms are exacerbated if the fracture impinges upon blood vessels or nerves. If you experience any numbness or tingling, it's very important that you get immediate medical attention so that you stand every chance of retaining full function of your arm and shoulder.
Once your doctor has confirmed the presence of a clavicle fracture, you'll need to use a shoulder sling or a figure of eight brace to give yourself some degree of comfort as the bone heals. At the same time, you'll be able to reduce swelling and inflammation by using ice packs.
You will likely be prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to control the pain. The best way to avoid pain is to make sure that you don't move your shoulder too much. You have to let the joint rest if you want to facilitate the healing process.
As long as you follow your doctor's orders and wear your sling or brace regularly, your clavicle will heal quickly. You probably won't require surgery at any point unless your clavicle is really deformed and displaced, but if you do undergo such a procedure, then it's doubly important that you allow the bone the chance to heal.
How Will a Shoulder Brace Help Me?
When you've fractured your clavicle, your number one priority should be limitation of movement so that the bone can heal without being disturbed. If you choose to wear a shoulder brace, you can expect your clavicle to heal within 6-8 weeks and for full function to return within 3-4 months. It is very important that you give yourself this time to rest and recuperate.
Make sure that you don't do any heavy lifting and you keep your arm below 70 degrees away from your side. In other words, try not to lift your arms if you can help it. You can use ice packs for periods of up to 15 minutes a couple of times a day to reduce any stubborn inflammation and swelling that may occur.
As the use of a shoulder brace is so important to the recovery process when you break your collarbone, it's vital that you buy the best device you can find. There are many kinds of shoulder braces and slings available online at the lowest prices. The best braces are those which have been designed by expert scientists who have consulted medical professionals to provide the best clinical care using the latest materials.