If you are diagnosed with a condition that requires some serious movement restrictions, your doctor may prescribe you a TLSO with an L0467 medical billing code. TLSO stands for Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis, which is a back brace that covers your upper-middle to lower back. The medical billing code L0467 is used to identify back braces which meet requirements that have been predetermined for that billing code. (see requirements below)
One of the most important features of an L0467 TLSO is it's rigid back frame. The back side of these braces are rigid while the front is soft and apron like with straps. The rigid back frame of these braces play an important role in sagittal control. Sagittal control is another requirement of the L0467 billing code. Braces with this billing code must also have closures and padding.
Functionally, L0467 braces must restrict the bulk of trunk motions. Motion restriction is fundamental for the type of conditions this brace is used for. Braces with this billing code must also create pressure within the cavities of the body. Pressure within the cavities is important to lift load off the spinal discs, resulting in a quicker heal time.
The medical billing code L0467 refers to prefabricated braces. This code does not apply to braces that have been customizes for a specific patient. If you have or think you may have a severe back condition, that may need an L0467 back brace, you should go see your doctor for treatment.