When you have a condition which requires restricted motion, it's important your doctor prescribes you a rigid back brace that is right for you. Your doctor may prescribe you a TLSO with the L0468 medical billing code. TLSO stands for Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis, which extends from the upper middle back to the lower back. The L0468 medical billing code is used to identify TLSO's that meet a specific set of qualifications. (see qualifications below)
The L0468 medical billing code requires that back braces, with this billing code, provide sagittal-coronal control. That means the front-to-back and side-to-side planes of the body are controlled. The back frame must be rigid, where as the front of the brace is flexible, soft, apron shaped with straps. L0468 coded back braces must be equipped with closures and padding.
Braces with the L0468 coding extend from the tailbone to the shoulder blades. The lateral strength should be provided by the pelvic. There should also be lateral, or side frame pieces. L0468 TLSO's are designed to restrict trunk motion in the sagittal and coronal planes to an absolute minimum, if any at all. These braces should fit snug to create pressure within the body, so that load is lifted from the discs in the spinal column.
These braces are prefabricated, however in order to qualify for the L0468 medical billing code, they must be customized for a specific patient. Modifications may include, but are not limited to: trimming, bending, molding, or assembly. These modifications must be made by a qualified individual.