The L0650 is an "off the shelf" Lumbar-Sacral (back) Orthosis which meets certain requirements and standards. This back brace must provide rigid support for the anterior and posterior, or front and back, of the brace. This brace must also have rigid lateral (side) support, giving strength to the sides. L0650 braces create pressure to evenly distribute weight in order to take the strain off the spinal discs. The front and back of the brace must extend from the tailbone to the T9 vertebrae (which is near the middle of the back).
L0650 braces contain straps for adjustments, and they must also be equipped with closures. This brace also may contain padding, shoulder straps with a pendulous abdomen design.
The "off the shelf" coding of the L0650 means that the brace is prefabricated, and does not to be specially fitted for the individual. This coding does not require to be fitted by someone with expertise.