When you are diagnosed with scoliosis, it's important to have a brace with the maximum amount of motion control. Your doctor may prescribe you a lumbar-sacral orthosis with the medical billing code L0651. The medical billing code lets the insurance company know what kind of care you're getting so they can pay the correct amount on healthcare bills. The L0651 medical billing code is associated with a back brace that has many requirements that must be met, in order to qualify for the L0651 medical billing code. (see requirements below)
L0651 is the billing code for a lumbar-sacral orthosis with sagittal-coronal control. These are the planes of the body which control bending and twisting. This type of brace must have a rigid shell or the panels of the brace must be rigid. The back length of this brace extends from the tailbone to the middle-upper back. The front of the brace measures from the top of the pelvis to the lowest part of the sternum, or breastbone.
The way a brace with an L0651 code works, is by creating pressure within the body to pull the load off of the spinal discs. Over all strength from this brace comes from the overlapping rigid material, which creates structure. Closures are required to provide stability. Securing the brace correctly is important for the healing process. Thus, straps and closures are required for L0651 othosis'.
In addition to all these requirements, the brace may also include other features, although whether or not these are included does not affect billing code. Features that are not required include: a soft interfacing material, and a pendulous abdomen design.
The medical billing code L0651 applies to prefabricated braces, with an "off-the-shelf" status. This means that a brace with this billing code is not custom made for the patient, nor are modifications made to the brace to fit any one specific patient. However, this does not mean you shouldn't get properly fitted, or shouldn't go to your doctor for a proper diagnosis. If you have a serious back condition, seek professional medical help.