Hyper extension in knees can lead to more severe damage, if it is left untreated. Most problems with hyper extension in the knee can simply be treated with a knee brace that has a locking knee joint. L1831 is the billing code designated for knee orthosis that can treat hyper extended knees as well as many more conditions. Each L-code has specific regulations that must be observed in order for it to qualify for that code.
The L1831 medical billing code is reserved for knee braces that have locking knee joints. Locking knee joints are important to keep the knee from hyper extending, or from moving into positions that would combat therapy. A brace with the L1831 code must functionally serve as a positional orthosis. This means that the brace serves to correct the movement, by controlling the positioning of the knee.
In order for insurance companies to recognized knee braces which meet all the above requirements as an L1831, the brace must also be fitted and adjusted. Getting the correct fit by a doctor or orthosist is critical for healing to occur. Untreated, or mistreated injuries can worsen, possible causing permanent damage. If you have a knee injury, don't leave it untreated, go see a doctor today.