ACL and MCL injuries can take a long time to heal. It's important that you use the proper type of brace for a ligament injury. The medical billing code L1845 ensures certain features and standards are observed to ensure the finest quality. L1845 are first and foremost a workable double upright knee orthosis. This means that the brace can be worn during activity and has two supports that run horizontally around the leg on either side of the knee.
L1845 braces have many regulations to ensure the effectiveness of this brace. Each brace must have joints that allow the knee to be bent and extended. These joints may originate from one central location or multiple. Rotation and movement away from and in toward the body (side-to-side movement) must be control. Whether this brace does or does not provide adjustments for how the leg aligns with the body (straight, pointed outward, pointed inward) the brace is still classified as an L1845.
These prefabricated brace will only qualify for the L1845 coding if the brace is fitted to fit a specific patient. Any trimming, bending, molding or other customization need to be made by a professional licensed to do so.
Most ligament injuries are due to sports related activities. It is important for a ligament injury to heal properly. Disregarding the advice of a physician is not recommended. If you believe you have a possible ligament injury you should seek professional healthcare. An untreated ligament damage can worsen and cause worse damage down the road.