When you have a condition such as foot drop, it's important that you have an AFO that will hold up. Your doctor will likely prescribe you an AFO with the medical billing code L1930. Medical billing codes are important in order for your insurance to be billed the correct amount for the type of treatment you are receiving. Each billing code has it's own set of regulations, which are evaluated and awarded by a third party authorized to do so. To learn more about foot drop click here. (see regulations for the L1930 AFO below)
The L1930 medical billing code is assigned to AFOs that meet certain requirements. AFO stands for Ankle Foot Orthosis, which are primarily used for drop foot and other nervous system conditions. In addition to treating these conditions, AFOs can provide additional support for weak arches. L1930 AFOs are made of plastic or some other similar material.
L1930 applies to prefabricated AFOs. The medical billing code also includes fitting and adjustments. Most patients will need a fitting in order for the brace to work correctly. If you are experiencing symptoms of drop foot, or another condition treated by an AFO, schedule an appointment with you doctor as soon as possible. Untreated conditions can worsen, causing further damage the longer it goes untreated.