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L3908 is the billing code given to wrist and hand orthosis that match the following requirements and regulations. Wrist and hand braces that control the position of the wrist and the degree/angle at which it rests. Braces with an L3908 code must restrict the motion of the wrist and hand, while allowing the fingers to move. A brace of this nature should have a rigid support that is adjustable, thus aiding the position of the wrist. The L3908 coding does not pertain to braces that are molded. These braces are prefabricated and the L3908 code pertains to the "off-the shelf" status of this brace. The "off-the shelf" status means that this brace is not fitted by an individual with expertise.

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Freeman Mfg.
900 W. Chicago Rd.
Sturgis, Michigan 49091