The medical billing code L4360 is first and foremost a walking boot, post-op cast. Medical billing codes are assigned to orthosis which meet a set of predetermined guidelines. The L4360 is a boot that is inflatable by some means and provides compression for the leg and foot that allows healing to occur faster.
Walking boots with the medical billing code L4360 must meet certain requirements as the ability to inflate. There must be a prevision for boots of this nature to fill with gas or air and/or a vacuum. L4360 boots may or may not have joints to allow or not allow movement, as seen fit by your doctor. Whether or not this brace as an inner lining does not affect the status of this billing code.
These braces are not made custom to each patient, however in order to be awarded the L4360 billing code, each brace must be customized by a trained professional. The braces can be bent, molded, trimmed, and any other way modified for the use of a specific patient. The individual doing the fitting must be someone with expertise.
All post-op procedures and precautions given by your doctor should be followed. Miss treatment, or lack of treatment can make conditions worse. If you are experiencing abnormal discomfort, you should contact your doctor.