If you have a condition such as Plantar Fasciitis which you need to control the passion of your foot/ankle, your doctor may prescribe you an Ankle Foot Orthosis with an L4397 medical billing code. A medical billing code is used in order to indicate specific features that are used during medical treatment. An Ankle Foot Orthosis with the medical billing code L4397 has specific requirements that must be met in order for each brace to be qualified under this billing code. (See more information about the L4397 medical billing code below)
Ankle Foot Orthosis with a medical billing code L4397 are often used to treat conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis. The L4397 may be a static or dynamic brace, this means that it can either be rigid/unchangeable or it may have the ability to change positions (usually concerning the degree in which the ankle is held). Orthosis' with this billing code must have a soft interface material, this gives comfort to the patient and prevents rash and irritation.
For the L4397 brace adjustments must be provided for a correct fit. In addition to the brace being adjustable, it must also be able to change the positioning of the brace, to allow the ankle to be placed in the correct angle. Braces with the L4397 billing code are often used for a variety of reasons, in addition to many conditions, it may be used for minimal ambulation purposes (used for mild emergencies).
The L4397 Ankle Foot Orthosis is a prefabricated item. It comes ready to use, and the billing code does not account for any customization made to the brace for one specific patient. If you are experiencing intense pain from the bottom of your foot, it may be caused from Plantar Fasciitis, you should go to your doctor to find out if an L4397 brace is the right treatment for you.