If you're suffering from randomly occurring shooting pains that emanate from your heel and go right up your leg, there's a good chance that it's caused by plantar fasciitis. It's not much fun when you run the risk of pain searing up your leg every time you put your foot on the ground. Fortunately, there's something you can do about it. Opt for a ankle foot orthosis device that has been specially designed for sufferers of plantar fasciitis.
Simply put, plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory process that occurs as a result of damage to the band of tissue that connects your toes to your heel. This band of tissue normally absorbs shock and acts much in the same way as the string of a longbow. It also functions to support the structure of the arch of the foot. When this band, or plantar fascia, is damaged, your foot can no longer absorb even the mundane shock caused by walking.
If you put your feet under too much stress for too long a time, you run the risk of causing damage and inflammation to the plantar fascia. As such, the causes of plantar fasciitis range from doing too much long-distance running to being obese. You can even cause it by wearing unsupportive shoes, which is why using an ankle foot support orthosis is so vital to the recovery process.
Ultimately, there tends not to be a cure for this condition as such. Most of the causative factors are unavoidable as you can't just stop walking. There are some things you can do, though, and these include losing weight if you are on the heavy side and wearing more supportive shoes.
The best way to provide your feet with the extra support they need is to wear expertly designed plantar fasciitis orthoses or other support devices. Probably the most effective way to treat this condition is to wear night splints which keep your feet in the proper position to stretch the plantar fascia and calf muscles gently but surely. You'll find yourself healing your inflammation in a pain-free and comfortable way. It really couldn't be easier to get back to your best.
Of course, you're going to need to take care of your feet during the day as well as the night. In this case, you should opt for a support boot to give you the extra level of stability you need as you're walking around. Many such boots offer a cutout heel area so that you can avoid contact with the most damaging stimuli, giving yourself the very best chance of a full and complete recovery.
However you choose to proceed with plantar fasciitis support shoes and boots, we'll help you make all the progress you need.