We carry both AK (Above Knee) and BK (Below Knee) Prosthetic Stump Shrinkers for amputees. In many situations shrinker socks can be very useful in reducing inflammation and swelling after surgery. This accompanied by cold treatment can help quite a bit. Use of prosthesis and a gel liner is also recommended provided it is kept in a cool environment.
Stump Shrinkers have been found to be useful in removing phantom pain and also help in removing trauma and other associated pain with removal and limb amputation. Compression stump socks can also be helpful in reducing congestion tissue and swelling. They are sized to fit the stump which can be fixed inside a prosthesis.
Pressure should be properly applied and ideally it should be more at the end (in the distal end) and less towards the proximal end. Having too much pressure the other way could cause stoppage of circulation and could lead to edema.
The measurements of the residuum is the most important deciding factor when choosing stump shrinkers. At times the shrinkers could become too tight, because of increase in body weight or because of retention of fluid. Over time the shrinker may start to lose its elasticity. When this happens, the shrinker will lose its ability to compress and give shape to the limb.
Average shrinkers could last between six to twelve months. Loss of weight, weight grain and gradual reduction in size of residual limb because of muscular changes could lead to changes in shrinker sizes.