As any body part with such an incredible range of motion requires proper care and rest provided to it there is a high risk of health issues attached to it. Particularly for sportsmen and athletes whose whole performance requires constant use of their shoulders for activities like football, basketball, throw-ball, cricket, weightlifting, boxing, etc. That is why their shoulder is the most vulnerable and frequent area they experience injuries in.
Our shoulder is made up of two main joints: the glenohumeral joint, where the arm bone and shoulder blade connect; and the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, where the collarbone and part of the shoulder blade connect. Majority of the shoulder injuries aren’t directed towards the shoulder bones; instead, they involve tendons, ligaments, and the muscles.
One very simple reason behind shoulder pains is having wrong posture. Whether you are working on your computer, or using a cellphone, staying in the same position for long without taking any breaks causes the muscles to get stiff. The flow of blood and oxygen also faces a disruption, causing the blood to clot inside the veins which leads to more problems. Aging can also be one of the reasons of such shoulder issues as the soft tissues that surround the shoulder start degenerating with age.
Some more causes include rotator cuff tendinitis which is a condition characterized by inflamed tendons. Then there is impingement syndrome in which the rotator cuff gets caught between the acromium (part of the scapula that covers the ball) and humeral head (the ball portion of the humerus). At times, an injury to other areas of the body like neck or the bicep can also cause pain in the shoulder. This is known as referred pain and it usually doesn’t hurt as much as the other reasons. Other than these, various forms of arthritis, torn cartilage, or a torn rotator cuff, swelling of the bursa sacs (which protect the shoulder) or tendons are also some of the reasons. Stiffness in the shoulder or frozen shoulder happens when tendons, ligaments, and muscles stiffen and become difficult or impossible to move.
A few more shoulder injuries include: Dislocated shoulder, Rotator cuff injuries, Bursitis, and AC joint injuries.
Most of the medical specialists would suggest you to undergo a pricey surgery, get physiotherapy, or take long term medication. These treatments may cure the problem, but they bring along some side effects that may last for a long time. Sometimes they don’t assure a permanent relief from the pain and so going for any of these can be a risk.
Wearing an external device that not only supports the shoulders to stay in their right place but also provides compression to them for the speedy healing of the pain would be a good choice.
Shoulder braces or shoulder supports is a device made up of soft fabric with the purpose of wearing externally on the body to help cure many of the shoulder problems a person might be facing. It supports the joints as well as provides compression to the surrounding tissues and skin.
The said product works by limiting the range of motion of the limb so that the risk of dislocation of shoulder could be lessened. This helps speed up the recovery process by compressing the swollen joints and aid in recovering from inflammation. Giving compression to the skin is proved to enhance the receptors in the skin by sending messages to the brain about the position of your shoulder. Researchers show that wearing a brace can improve the proprioception in unstable joints, allowing the skin receptors to compensate for the damaged receptors in the shoulder capsule or muscle.
Braces also protect the shoulders from getting any further knocks and bruises while keeping them in their natural alignment. So, wearing Shoulder supports can definitely help you recover.